Special issue: Mbuyu 1 (research articles from the 13th conference of the International Society for the Oral Literatures of Africa)

L’INITIATION DES FILLES EN ZAMBIE Métamorphoses du cisungu dans la zone de parler cibemba (Anne-Marie Dauphin-Tinturier)
En 1982, au moment de la réédition de son livre cisungu, Audrey Richards expliquait que le rituel qu’elle avait observé en 1931 avait disparu. Néanmoins, le rituel existait toujours de 1989 à 1998 et s’était adapté à l’évolution brutale de la société. Après une description de ce que fut la culture traditionnelle du Nord de la Zambie, région où cette initiation de filles existait depuis fort longtemps, les trois rituels seront mis en parallèle afin de montrer certaines évolutions. Ensuite, le niveau d’imprégnation du concept d’initiation sera analysé à propos de l’instauration d’une nouvelle religion et de la présence du VIH dans la région.

The Palgrave Handbook of African Oral Traditions and Folklore (eds. Akintunde Akinyemi & Toyin Falola)
Offers a complete, deep, and innovative analysis of oral traditions and folklore in Africa and among Africans in the diaspora. Asses the current and historical dynamics between oral traditions and folklore, illustrating how the nature of oral transmission of cultural heritage and folklore ...

Sexual Humour in Africa: Gender, Jokes, and Societal Change (ed. Ignatius Chukwumah)
This book examines the types, discourse modes, and effects of sex jokes in different African contexts, in a range of different cultural forms, from the internet to music, books, films, advertis ing, and images, thus filling the existing void in literature on the subject.

L’expression de la parentalité dans les arts de la parole en Afrique (dir. Cécile Leguy)
Réservée au départ au vocabulaire spécialisé de la psychologie et des sciences sociales, la notion de parentalité est largement utilisée aujourd’hui pour désigner les fonctions et les pratiques parentales.

Oral Literary Performance in Africa: Beyond Text (eds. Nduka Otiono & Chiji Akoma)
This book delivers an admirably comprehensive and rigorous analysis of African oral literatures and performance.

Time for the World to Learn from Africa (Hearing Others’ Voices) Ruth Finnegan
It is a common notion that Africa has, and indeed ought to have, learned much from the west. This is...

Storytelling in Northern Zambia: Theory, Method, Practice and Other Necessary Fictions Robert Cancel
Storytelling plays an important part in the vibrant cultural life of Zambia and in many other communities across Africa. innovative book provides a collection and analysis of oral narrative traditions as practiced by five Bemba-speaking ethnic groups in Zambia.

The Caribbean Oral Tradition: Literature, Performance, and Practice Hanétha Vété-Congolo
The book uses an innovative prism of interorality that powerfully reevaluates Caribbean orality and innovatively casts light on its overlooked and fundamental epistemological contribution into the formation of Caribbean philosophy.

Searching for Sharing: Heritage and Multimedia in Africa Edited by Daniela Merolla and Mark Turin
In a world where new technologies are being developed at a dizzying pace, how can we best approach oral genres that represent heritage? Taking an innovative and interdisciplinary approach...

Afrikaanse Letterkunde: Tradities, genres, auteurs en ontwikkelingen
The new AUP edition was co-written by Mineke Schipper, Daniela Merolla and Inge Brinkman and is so far the one and only handbook of African literature in the Dutch language.